
Intentions for the Season: Ceremonies for Letting Go and Creating Anew


These are private home ceremonies that you can do in your own time with the company of your guides and helpers. One of the meditations guides you to make a connection with the Guardian Spirits of your body, mind, and Spirit.

These two thoughtful ceremonies include:

  • A meditation to meet Three Guardian Spirits: one for your body, one for the mind, one for your Spirit.
    Instructions on how to create the specific altar for these ceremonies.
  • Letting Go Meditation: A downloadable meditation that travels you to the riverside of your consciousness to learn what you will want to let go of from your body, mind, and Spirit dimensions.
  • Letting Go Ceremony: A beautiful evening time ceremony that symbolically and energetically supports you in clearing beliefs about your body, thoughts, and Spirit that present themselves at the close of this transformative year.
  • Creating Anew Meditation: A downloadable meditation that travels you into the forest of your consciousness to access those new aspects of you that are becoming known from the cosmos.
  • Creating Anew Ceremony: A beautiful early morning ceremony that symbolically and energetically supports you in creating beliefs about your body, thoughts, and Spirit to support your radiant wellness and Spiritual evolution through this coming year.
  • Downloads: Ceremony templates, altar instructions, and 3 meditations.

There is no live meeting. These are home ceremonies for you to determine the perfect time for you.



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