“This course is a thrill. With exciting new information around every corner, it is for the avid seeker, the most curious one you know, looking for all of the answers. Amelia will reward you for journeying with her. She soars at about 33,000 feet with both feet submerged in the earth as a dedicated, profoundly empathetic scholar and spiritual leader.” – 2020 Journey Participant

Journey of the Mystic  

with Grounding & Energy Medicine Specialist Amelia Vogler  

January 14, 2021 – June 24, 2021

Experience a fun and experiential sacred journey that leads you through the passageways of your beauty, your wisdom, and your light.


“Journeys bring power and love back into you. If you can’t go somewhere, move in the passageways of the self. They are like shafts of light, always changing, and you change when you explore them.”  

Registration – Open  


Registration – $1165  


Webinar Recording:  Sacred Keys to Your Spiritual Quest    

Join Amelia for one of her teaching ceremonies and discover the Spiritual grounding that you will come back to repeatedly regardless of how deep, complete, or “advanced” your practice. Teaching ceremonies are an immersive, sacred transmission of education and experience.

One of the greatest keys to the Spiritual Quest is to establish a clear
anchor for your journey.

In this webinar, you will discover:

  • You will learn Amelia’s 4 most essential anchors for a grounded Spiritual Journey.
  • The Seven Breaths Meditation is a means of practicing true, intentional partnership with your soul’s voice. This process allows you to cultivate an interactive relationship with your inner Spiritual voice
  • Breath Poetry is an embodied ritual that bridges the poetry of Spirit into the breath and moves the energy of beauty, inspiration, and Divine love through your body.
  • Healing Technique: Clearing your Future Spiritual Journey.  Use Spiritual Light as a way to clear the way for your future steps on your Spiritual Journey.
  • Explore the map of our 2021 Journey of the Mystic. This includes the meditations, the activations,  practices, the rituals, the ancient cornerstone teachings of the Light.

Journey of the Mystic Details

Journey Overview

Oh, beloved journeyer! The time has come to start readying the heart and Spirit for our new 2021 journey! This is one of the most amazing courses that I teach. Individuals say the classes feel like sitting in ceremony together; that the sacred nature of the space is both healing and inspiring. And after the candle is extinguished after class,  the material takes new shapes into the forms of rituals, meditations, energetic activations, videos, and imagery.  In a loving way, the material begins to befriend you and travel along with you through your life.

I designed this course for the BUSY individual who loves to learn, to explore, and to think about life, about beauty, about love, and about light.   Tired of the traditional way of teaching, where the teacher is blah-blah-blahing to you for an hour, I have reclaimed the classroom of life and designed a course that lives along with you.

  • Six Month Program:  January – June (with optional in-person ceremony)
  • Second & Fourth Thursdays, 6:00 – 7:30pm EST
  • Includes a FREE Foundations of Energy Medicine Course ($225 Value)

Our Journey includes:

  • 2 Live Teaching Ceremonies/Classes per Month:
    • Live mystical teaching, initiation, and transmission class
    • Live energetic technique class to expand your hands-on practice for your self-care or for working with clients
  • 20 Energetic activations to imprint your energy system with the teachings and expand your spiritual potential
  • 16 Guided meditations to deepen your ongoing journey within your inner landscape
  • 16 Home rituals and ceremonies that build the bridges from every day to every day sacred
  • Creative (and fun) exercises of mindfulness practice
  • Small group discussions to widen your perspective and explore through sharing
  • Secret Facebook Community to share, to deepen, and to grow.
  • Love, caring, and support from Amelia
  • If needed, dedicated technical support

Each month, at surprising intentional times, you will receive handouts, exercises, techniques, or self-care rituals to expand the teachings and grow your awareness of the “body beyond your body” and your “Spirit within your spirit.”

The materials between classes – the recordings, exercises, techniques, and rituals are concise – sometimes a short passage to read, sometimes just a picture, a soul-searching prompt, or a very brief video to help you open you to the unseen.

Thought-provoking emails will sometimes greet you first thing in the morning or drop in at unusual and surprising times. And rituals appear into your everyday commitments, and resources make themselves known in the natural world.

This journey is the journey that you are walking but with a mirror to the unseen world living along side of you.

Registration and Payment Options

Registration – $1165

Fewer Payments


Best Value


Lower Payments


*Best Value: one-time payment of $1165

**Fewer Payments: two payments of $593!
(Your first payment will go through at time of order and the second will go through in 60 days)

***Lower Payments: three payments of $400!
(Your first payment will go through at time of order and the second and third will go through every 60 days)

The Foundations of Energy Medicine Course includes a introduction of:

  • The human energy system (meridians, chakras, hara, and core star)
  • 12 major chakras
  • 3 cornerstone techniques of working with Spiritual Light
    The intention of this offering is to allow each participant on the journey a shared language and confidence moving into the techniques.
  • The Healing Space

    In mysticism that love of truth which we saw as the beginning of all philosophy leaves the merely intellectual sphere, and takes on the assured aspect of a personal passion. Where the philosopher guesses and argues, the mystic lives and looks; and speaks, consequently, the disconcerting language of first-hand experience, not the neat dialectic of the schools. Hence whilst the Absolute of the metaphysicians remains a diagram —impersonal and unattainable—the Absolute of the mystics is lovable, attainable, alive.

  • The Healing Space

    I love the way this class just unfolds with your life. It twists and turns and feels like you are truly on a journey. The content in bite-sized units really appealed to me. I could take the teachings into my life and really sit and work with them.

  • The Healing Space

    Amelia radiates. Yes, she radiates. That is how bright her light is. I often felt as if she were sitting right beside me as I listened to the recorded lessons and meditations. This journey with Amelia was magical for me, and I am beyond grateful for her loving guidance and teachings. Her knowledge is vast, her words are understandable and melodic, and her honesty and compassion are palpable. Her gift of holding sacred space for us all, even with a recording, is powerful. I felt so loved and nurtured on this journey. My gratitude abounds for Amelia and this journey.

  • I love the way this class just unfolds with your life.  It twists and turns and feels like you are truly on a journey.  The content in bite-sized units really appealed to me. I could take the teachings into my life and really sit and work with them.

    2020 Journey Participant

  • In mysticism that love of truth which we saw as the beginning of all philosophy leaves the merely intellectual sphere, and takes on the assured aspect of a personal passion. Where the philosopher guesses and argues, the mystic lives and looks; and speaks, consequently, the disconcerting language of first-hand experience, not the neat dialectic of the schools. Hence whilst the Absolute of the metaphysicians remains a diagram —impersonal and unattainable—the Absolute of the mystics is lovable, attainable, alive.

    Evelyn Underhill

  • Amelia radiates. Yes, she radiates. That is how bright her light is. I often felt as if she were sitting right beside me as I listened to the recorded lessons and meditations. This journey with Amelia was magical for me, and I am beyond grateful for her loving guidance and teachings. Her knowledge is vast, her words are understandable and melodic, and her honesty and compassion are palpable. Her gift of holding sacred space for us all, even with a recording, is powerful. I felt so loved and nurtured on this journey. My gratitude abounds for Amelia and this journey.

    2019 Journeyer Participant

Theoretical & Scientific Framework

Throughout the course you will be introduced to the following concepts either through guided instruction or self-study.

  • Triangle of Manifestation
  • Scientific Basis for the Triangle of Discovery and Evolution
  • Survey of Relevant Quantum Physics /Quantum Mechanics
  • Art and the Evolution of Consciousness
  • The Nueroscience of Positive Change

Month 1 Calls:

Live Call 1 – January 14 2021 – Teaching & Small Group Discussion

Live Call 2 – January 28, 2021 – Technique, Activation & Practice


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