Writing Yourself Home through the Sacred Calendar

Homecoming through the Portals of 2025

The Sacred Calendar 2025

Our sacred calendar includes the following four portals of the earth:  the spring equinox, the summer solstice, the autumn equinox, and the winter solstice and the portals in the sky: our lunar and solar eclipses.

The eclipses are portals welcoming change. These amplify your ability to see truthfully.  intention to move the energy in a specific direction.  What if that direction is in service of your healing and transformation?  What if rather spoken silently in the mind, these intentions are written to with directness and depth?

March 14: Total Lunar Eclipse
March 20: Spring Equinox
June 20:  Summer Solstice
September 7:   Total Lunar Eclipse
September 21:  Partial Solar Eclipse
September 22:  Autumn Equinox
December 21 Winter Solstice

Our 2025 Themes

There will be an increasing need to break down old systems that suppress innovation and freedom. We will be writing to understand what old systems in ourselves need to be looked at in a new way.  There is a collective push for more decentralized power, alternative ways of living, and more inclusive structures in both politics and social life. What do these mean for you?  This year, there is a great focus on and a call to embrace your unique role in shaping the future, stepping into your power as part of a larger whole, and finding your purpose in the collective evolution.

My hope is that this space will allow you to continue to foster lived harmony with the earth and cosmos and bring intentional personalized perspective into your life around these focuses.  I deeply value a space where you can listen to the great healing wisdom within you. I believe that each of us, when given the right environment, knows how to evolve or heal in just the right ways.

Research-based Writing for Mind, Body and Spirit Resilience 

Writing has been scientifically proven to be one of the most effective tools that we have physical, emotional, and Spiritual health.

Welcome to the evidenced-based healing art of therapeutic writing.  It is through the throat chakra that we channel not only auditory messages from beyond, but our inner messages that come from the voice of our Authentic Self, our Spiritual self and the messages of our lived soul life.  Writing brings us into a rich conversation between the past, the present, and the future, your body, mind, soul, and Spirit.  This holistic conversation allows us to get all of the voices to the table, to listen to them, to learn from them, to comfort them, and to grow from them. 

We will be entering into a sacred container for writing, specifically with the intention for personal healing and resiliency during these incredibly challenging times that we have chosen to incarnate within. 

Health is not about physical wellness, health is optimum well-being (body, mind, and Spirit).   It is about creating an environment that gives rise to our physical vitality, our emotional stability (equanimity), Spiritual awareness (clarity on meaning and purpose), intellectual vitality, being true to oneself, connected to others, and being resilient and joyful.

Resilience is an adaptive gift; it is our ability to adapt to changing circumstances while maintaining equanimity (grounding  or mental / emotional stability under tension and stress.  Resilience is our ability to flourish, to remain steady in our mind, and to stay connected to optimism and joy. Resilience is the great medicine of our times.  

Our Meeting Calendar

Join Amelia live on the following dates of the sacred 2025 calendar to write yourself into your new home, welcomed by and influenced by the sacred calendar.  Symbolically, these events act as signposts along your spiritual journey, offering chances for renewal, transformation, and growth. By aligning with their energies, you can step into cycles of deeper self-awareness and intentional living.

March 7 from 4-5pm Eastern
Introduction to Writing Yourself Home through the Sacred Calendar
March 14 from 4-6pm Eastern
Influenced by the Total Lunar Eclipse
March 20 from 4-6pm Eastern
Influenced by the Spring Equinox
June 20 from 4-6pm Eastern
Influenced by the Summer Solstice
September 7 from 4-6pm Eastern
Influenced by the Total Lunar Eclipse
September 22 from 4-6pm Eastern
Influenced by the Partial Solar Eclipse (Sept 21) and the Autumn Equinox (September 22)
December 21 from 4-6pm Eastern
Influenced by the Winter Solstice

*If you are unable to make a class live, the recording will be posted that evening, after the gathering. You will also have access to all of the recordings for three months.

About Each Class

We will be following a time-honored, evidence-based process of therapeutic writing that I learned from John Evans, MAT, MA, EdD and Karen Jooste, MD, MPH at Duke University.   We will start together with an invocation, meditation and short introduction to our writing, then we will mute ourselves and write together.   After our writing time, there is space for processing and discussion. We will close with a grounding meditation. 

A private survey is offered at the end for you to self-evaluate your process and give you an opportunity to clarify the "feeling" of writing which brings you deeply into the soul space of inner communication.

The Angels of the Seasons and Astrological Signs

Once you have written your intentions for healing, worked with the sacred cosmic gates explicitly, each month we move into a new astrological sign.  As we move into these new energies, the angelic realm also shifts into new focus and each season a new archangel comes into your more immediate presence.   When we move into a new season and new astrological sign, you will receive a short e-mail that shares the angel and focus of the angelic realm to help you return to your active healing intentions with new perspective and guardianship. 

March 7: Introduction to Writing Yourself Home through the Sacred Calendar

During our first class, we will review the model of writing, answer questions, and get all of the "heady" stuff out of the way so that when we meet the following week you know the process and feel comfortable to fall into a deep conversation with the natural and cosmic energetic invitations and containers.



March 14: Influenced by the Total Lunar Eclipse

A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon. The total lunar eclipse can be an invitation for emotional reckoning — a culmination or release.

We will be writing in this eclipse energy which can usher a breakthrough in personal growth, offering an opportunity to release past emotional baggage or to sever ties with limiting aspects of your inner world.

It’s a time of illumination and self-realization — confronting your inner shadows and embracing their wisdom.

Additional Resource:
Guided Meditation for the Lunar Eclipse Gateway (Downloadable)

March 20: Influenced by the Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox is the moment when day and night are of equal length, marking a time of balance and new beginnings. Energetically, this is the time when the Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, which heralds fresh starts, new projects, and the return of life and vitality to the world.

We will be writing to support welcoming this vitality and renewal into our own energy systems. This is an excellent time to support initiating new projects, setting intentions, and planting seeds for personal growth. It’s a cosmic reset, where new energies can be harnessed to propel you forward. If there have been any lingering doubts or inertia, this event offers a burst of energetic support to leap into action.

Additional Resource:
Guided Meditation for the Spring Equinox Gateway (Downloadable)


June 20: Influenced by the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and marks the height of the Sun’s power. It occurs when the Sun reaches its zenith in the sky, representing the peak of illumination, energy, and vitality. After this moment, the Sun begins its slow descent, marking the beginning of the waning light.

We will be tapping into this powerful surge of energy and write to  honor your achievements, take stock of where you are, and reflect on your relationship to your creative power. This is the moment when you can draw on the vitality of the Sun to take bold actions or amplify efforts toward your goals.

Additional Resource:
Guided Meditation for the Summer Solstice Gateway (Downloadable)

September 7: Influenced by the Total Lunar Eclipse

September becomes a very important month for us to pay attention to. As the eclipses fall in close proximity to the Equinoxes, there is a heightened invitation for closure and release.

At the the beginning, this second Lunar Eclipse carries similar of self-realization and release of emotional baggage in the way, but with more discernment and refinement.

Additional Resource:
Guided Meditation for the Total Lunar Eclipse Gateway (Downloadable)


September 22: Influenced by the Partial Solar Eclipse (Sept 21) and the Autumn Equinox (September 22)

A Partial Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon partially obscures the Sun. Solar eclipses bring major energetic shifts, though a partial eclipse is generally less intense than a total eclipse. It represents a moment of transition and potential, but with less clarity than a total eclipse. Coupled, however; with the Equinox this is a potent to write balance into your inner inquiry through a specific inquiry of letting go and room making for new growth.

This partial solar eclipse ushers moments for quiet introspection and planting new seeds for the future, but with awareness that the full picture may not yet be clear. It’s a time to step into the unknown, trusting that what is meant for you will unfold when the time is right. Look for opportunities for growth in the areas of self-awareness and hidden potentials.

The energy of this equinox is ideal for reflection on life’s deeper purpose and for preparing for the “winter” phase of retreat and renewal.

Additional Resource:
Guided Meditation for the Partial Solar Eclipse Gateway (Downloadable)

Additional Resource:
Guided Meditation for the Autumn Equinox Gateway (Downloadable)

What Additional Support is Available?

Between meetings and throughout the program, I am also available by e-mail for personal questions and reflections, and a 50% discount on email-readings if you need a little extra support. 

Each month, receive information about the angelic support available as you pass through each astrological sign to help you refocus your healing intentions.

These professionally recorded seven Meditations (written unique to 2025) will be available for download:

  • Meditation for the Lunar Eclipse Gateway
  • Meditation for the Spring Equinox Gateway
  • Meditation for the Summer Solstice Gateway
  • Meditation for the Total Lunar Eclipse Gateway
  • Meditation for the Partial Solar Eclipse Gateway
  • Meditation for the Autumn Equinox Gateway
  • Meditation for the Winter Solstice Gateway

Who Is This Course For?

This course is for anyone seeking deeper self-awareness, healing, and personal growth.  You do not have to be a writer to take this course and all writing remains confidential throughout the entire program.

  • The Healing Space

    “Every teaching presented by Amelia is infused with stardust. What happens when you plant this wisdom in your life? You can grow into your authentic self, branching into directions meaningful and joyful. Amelia is an extraordinary teacher and gardener of all-things-energy, and you’ll treasure every moment spent learning from her. As she walks you into your deepest self, you’ll add riches to your soul. ”

    Intuitive Consultant, Author of 30 best selling energy medicine books, including The Subtle Body series.

Information and Pricing 

Class Details

Online Welcome Section: Opens immediately.
Live Classes:  March 7 from 4-5pm ET, March 14 from 4-6pm ET, March 20 from 4-6pm ET, June 20 from 4-6pm ET, September 7 from 4-6pm ET, September 22 from 4-6pm ET, December 21 from 4-6pm ET
Where: Zoom (web conferencing) & Online Course for recordings and surveys

Continuing Education

Certificates: 13 hours of Continuing Education is available.


Single Payment


Split Payment

2 payments of $189

Class Policies:

Future Access:

Future access will be available through your course library with Vogler Institute for three months after the end of the program. You may also download all of the videos and content to your local computer.

Content Updates:

Amelia reserves the right to edit or modify content, as needed throughout the program to support the best learning outcomes for her students and to increase the value of the course materials.

System Requirements:

All live classes are taught through Zoom. It is recommended that you join all of our live calls from a computer rather than a tablet or phone for the ease of your class and breakout experiences. You can test your computer with Zoom using this link: https://zoom.us/test

All of the course content is stored on a well-known and well-tested online learning management system (Simplero). Throughout the course, there are short videos that you will be asked to watch. You will need to have sufficient internet bandwidth to stream videos from this system. It is recommended that you use a computer rather than a tablet or phone to access your course materials and we do not support the mobile app at this time.

Cancellation Policy:

Full refunds will be granted if you request to withdraw from the course by February 6, 2024. After February 6, no refunds will be offered.

Refund requests as a result of technical issues:

  • If a technical failure at the participant’s home or workplace prevents access to the live class or the online course, the participant will not be given a refund. It is the responsibility of the participant to confirm system requirements and test their computers prior to the start of the course.
  • If a technical failure for a live class is the fault of Amelia Vogler, she will offer an alternative live date or timely recorded content, no refunds will be offered.


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